Category: distributed-systems

Kubernetes Architecture

Published: 2025-02-19

This article explains Kubernetes architecture using a cargo and control ship analogy. It covers master and worker nodes, key components like etcd, the API server, scheduler, controllers, kubelet, kube proxy, and container runtime, helping learners grasp orchestration, networking, and cluster management. Based on the **"Kubernetes Architecture"** class from *Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) with Practice Tests* on Udemy. Check the link in the *Additional Resources* section.

The importance of queues in distributed systems

Published: 2024-07-08

Queues are fundamental components in distributed systems, helping manage tasks and data efficiently. This article explores different types of queues, their applications, and strategies for handling queue-related issues.

How to deliver data reliably

Published: 2024-07-05

Discover essential strategies and concepts to build reliable, scalable, and fast systems. Learn about handling common problems in distributed systems, designing robust architectures, and ensuring efficient message delivery.

Protecting Clients from Server Issues

Published: 2024-07-03

Learn how to safeguard clients from server failures by understanding synchronous and asynchronous clients, circuit breakers, fail-fast design principles, bulkhead patterns, and shuffle sharding. This comprehensive guide covers practical implementations and real-world examples to ensure your applications remain robust and resilient.